Grip Superior and Grip Austral Animal welfare approved

At the beginning of September 2023, the Animal Welfare pre-audit was carried out as established in the RSPCA welfare standards for Farmed Atlantic salmon on Grip Austral and Grip Superior.

The initiative was requested by our client CERMAQ CHILE with the objective of being the first company in Chile to be certified in Animal Welfare, ensuring that all its operations and its service providers comply with RSPCA. 

The process of harvest transfer and slaughtering was reviewed onboard Grip Austral. For Grip Superoir the loading and unloding of smolt was reviewed. Both inspections gave povisive results and the operations performed by GripShip complies with the animal welfare regulations.

The inspection team from Cermaq and the Grip Superior team

Grip Austral

Kristin Skoglund Aas